December 16, 2016

The Canper Emojis Demystified

The Canpers are soda can lids that have made it possible to provide a great new way of consuming drinks from a beverage can. The Canper beverage lids present a whole new range of emoji Canpers which are a new and exciting collection sure to win you over. You would obviously want to have the full collection of all the Canper emojis, so start collecting now.

These are all very special and exclusive emojis that can be used to express all emotions but different from the standard yellow ones, thus adding some freshness and zing to them.

Among the most commonly used ones is the Smiley emoji, used to show the smiling face and can be used on a wide range of happy occasions. Then there is the frowning face emoji that expresses displeasure at something. The emoji with pouted lips is an expression of love or an emoji kiss. The emoji with lips drooping to the left side can be used to express an unpleasant surprise, or an unpleasant event you were not expecting to witness. The emoji with Band-Aids across the lips can be used to express sealed lips, unable to give out any details. The emoji with Dollar signs on both eyes can be used to show the expectations of earning good money. The emoji with hearts in both eyes can be used to express love. The emoji with eyes closed and lips closed, tell about a person not wanting to say or see anything and prefers to be away from the discussion. The emoji with the bandage all across the head is used for an injured person, unable to speak. The emoji with a stylish girl with purple hair and headphones on the ear shows exactly that, a trendy girl and so does the next emoji also of a stylish girl with black hair and a nice trendy haircut. The emoji with a Band-Aid on a single eye shows a person hurt in the eye in an altercation. The emoji of a guy with big eyes and a big moustache is that of a bully. This one is naturally followed with an emoji of a scared Canper. The popping out eyes Canper emoji shows a guy with who cannot believe what he is seeing. The starry-eyed Canper emoji is for a person who is star struck. The drowsy-eyed, thermometer-in-the-mouth Canper emoji is for a sick person. The Canper emoji with glares on is for a trendy guy most would want to go on a ride with.

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